Results for: vancouver
  • Emergency Shelters (All)
  • vancouver

  1. A voluntary, low-barrier, temporary residential program with nine beds for high-risk youth ages 16 to 18 of all genders and orientations who need a safe place to stay in Vancouver. During their stay, youth are supported by non-judgmental staff to evaluate thei...
  2. A low-barrier, temporary emergency residential program providing five beds for Vancouver high-risk youth ages 16 to 21 of all genders and orientations who are street involved and need a safe space to stay. Intakes are completed 24 hours a day, year-round. Prov...
  3. Provides 30 beds for homeless and at-risk male-identified youth (including 2SLGBTQAI+, gender queer, gender non-binary and self-identified young men) ages 16 to 24. All are welcome provided they are not a danger to themselves or others; the program is an alcoh...
  4. Provides 30 beds for homeless and at-risk female-identified youth (including 2SLGBTQAI+, gender queer, gender non-binary and self-identified young women) ages 16 to 24. All are welcome provided they are not a danger to themselves or others; the program is an a...
  5. Provides year-round, low-barrier, 24-hour emergency housing in private rooms for homeless adults, 20 men and 10 women. Services include meals and storage space for carts. Other services include service connections with financial assistance and mental health. H...
  6. Year-round, 28-bed high barrier shelter providing emergency housing and three meals per day for women (cisgender and transgender) ages 19 and over, with or without children. This includes a bed for women referred by Community Court. Accommodation is in shared ...
  7. Year-round, 54-bed high barrier emergency shelter for men (cisgender, transgender, Two-spirit, and non-binary). Includes five beds for men referred by Community Court. Provides shared rooms and three meals per day. 24-hour shelter with intake at any time; clie...
  8. Provides temporary housing for homeless, at risk of homelessness, or chronically homeless Indigenous women. Five beds are for women who need somewhere stable to live while they organize their life; they may be dealing with addiction, family violence, or other ...
  9. Safe house with six beds and meals for at-risk male, female, and transgender youth, ages 15 to 18, of all nations and ethnicities. Provides a supportive and nonjudgmental environment that empowers youth to define their own identity, achieve healthy self-determ...
  10. A 24-hour emergency centre that provides temporary accommodation and support to men who have no other housing options. Also has 16 beds by referral only from Vancouver Coastal Health for patients who are leaving hospital and need a place to stay; women also ac...
  11. An emergency low-barrier shelter that accommodates up to 55 men ages 19 and over. Accepts cisgender and transgender men. Open at 3 pm on a first-come, first-served basis; curfew is at 11 pm and shelter closes at 10 am. Provides a hot dinner around 6:15 pm, an...
  12. Year-round temporary shelter with 30 beds for adults of all genders age 19 and over. 24-hour staffing with support services include three meals per day, shower and laundry facilities, drop-in doctors and nurses providing wound and medical care, and other servi...
  13. Provides year-round, low-barrier, 24-hour emergency housing, with 65 beds for all genders ages 19 and up. Services include breakfast and dinner, on-site showers, personal hygiene products, first aid, and access to local calling; can also act as a mailing addre...