Results for: vancouver

  1. Odyssey IIProvided by: BGC South Coast BC - AKA: old name Boys and Girls Clubs of South Coast BC
    Substance abuse program for Vancouver youth ages 12 to 24, and their families. Services include individual and family counselling, educational workshops, skill development, recreation, peer support, and peer counselling. Prevention activities include panel tal...
  2. Firefighters respond to fires and other emergencies to protect people, property, and the environment. Services include firefighting, emergency medical response, emergency rescue, and the inspection of buildings to ensure they meet the fire code and bylaws. In ...
  3. Mobile service that distributes donated goods to people who are unhoused. Items include camping and overnight gear, toiletries, clothing, and other essentials. Also provides safer drug use supplies such as 1 cc IV kits with sterile water, alcohol wipes, and vi...
  4. Provides free short-term counselling on an outreach basis for individuals with addiction and mental health issues to help prevent overdoses, especially for those who might not need bed-based or intensive outpatient services. Residents must live on the North Sh...
  5. A mental health nurse and fire inspector team up to conduct inspections of occupancies that have been reported as hoarded. They identify risks to physical and mental health as well as safety issues such as excessive combustibles, blocked or restricted entryway...
  6. Offers resources and information for families and friends of drug users. Promotes the recognition that drug use is a health issue, raises public awareness of the needs and concerns of drug users and their families, works towards overcoming stereotyping and mar...
  7. Provides mental health and substance use information and resources, assistance navigating the mental health system, as well as free personalized support from parent peer support workers. Services are available to families across BC and Yukon with children and ...
  8. 4.12KM
    Pregnancy outreach program provides health and social service support to women in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside who are dealing with a current or recent history of substance abuse, and are pregnant or parenting infants/toddlers younger than 18 months. Helps ...
  9. Regulates and monitors public facilities and those aspects of the environment that have a direct impact on public health. Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) ensure that public health standards are met in restaurants and food service locations, public food ha...
  10. Offers brief follow-up to establish a connection to addictions care after opioid overdose; also serves those at high risk of opioid overdose. Services include navigation to appropriate services, support in accessing opioid agonist therapy, and overdose prevent...
  11. Provides harm reduction supplies, along with harm reduction education and referrals to health services, addictions services, and other social supports. Needle exchange services include distribution of clean needles, sterile water, and alcohol wipes; disposal o...
  12. Provides free, confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youth up to age 24. Services include birth control, emergency contraception, pap tests (unavailable during drop-in except on Saturdays) and pregnancy testing and counsellin...
  13. Private treatment facility specializing in opioid use disorder. Services provided include treatment options for opioid use disorder including Methadone, Suboxone, and Sublocade; same day treatment starts; counselling services; doctors' services; referrals to o...
  14. Privately run medical clinic which provides an outpatient, multidisciplinary, supportive methadone treatment program for individuals who misuse heroin or other opioids. Offers long-term stabilization on methadone and suboxone, withdrawal management, and indivi...
  15. Provides free, confidential information and education regarding sexuality and health to youth ages 12 to 24. Services include birth control, emergency contraception, pap tests, and pregnancy testing and counselling, as well as testing and treatment of sexually...
  16. Develops Aboriginal strategies for HIV/AIDS reduction and prevention in BC. Networks with individuals, organizations, and communities, with the aim of improving health, wellness, and quality of life for Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS. Provides agencies...
  17. Develops and implements addiction treatment services for Aboriginal individuals and families. The program offers a blend of mainstream and culturally relevant treatment options to reduce and prevent alcohol, drug, and problematic solvent use. Services include ...
  18. Delivers coordinated prevention and early intervention strategies to strengthen Vancouver School Board school-based alcohol and drug prevention, as well as early intervention programs and policies. Services focus on youth engagement, parent engagement, and cur...
  19. Privately-run methadone clinic that provides an outpatient, multidisciplinary, supportive methadone and suboxone treatment program for people who misuse heroin or other opiates. Buprenorphine treatment for all opiate addictions is also available. Offers long-t...
  20. Privately run medical clinic which provides a supportive, multidisciplinary, outpatient opioid agonist treatment program for adults 19 and older who use heroin or other opioids. Offers long-term stabilization on methadone and suboxone, withdrawal management, a...
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