Results for: vancouver
  • People with Disabilities
  • vancouver

  1. A multi-level residential care facility that provides 24-hour nursing care to adults age 19 and over who are no longer able to stay at home safely. Also houses Parkview Unit, a tertiary mental health unit that provides assessment, inpatient stabilization, and ...
  2. Operates as a social enterprise, offering affordable rooms to business travellers and tourists. Also provides reduced-rate accommodation for individuals who require temporary emergency stays, including students, families and patients traveling for medical trea...
  3. Administers The Bonaventure, a 30-suite apartment building for people living with HIV/AIDS. Also provides the Portable Housing Subsidy to assist with monthly rent supplements to private market rentals. To qualify, clients must be HIV positive and submit a succ...
  4. Residential care facility for individuals with complex health care needs who require 24-hour care due to physical disability or mental or behavioural conditions such as dementia. Services include nursing and personal care, medication administration, meals, lau...
  5. Provides affordable supportive housing units for veterans and men age 55 and older who are at risk of homelessness, and/or have mental health or addiction issues. Apply through the BC Housing Supportive Housing registry at Orange Hall (297 East Hastings, Vanco...
  6. Provides a group housing arrangement with on-site support for Jewish adults with mental illness. Provides support within the context of Jewish values and practice. Residents pay privately for living costs; care services are provided free of charge by Vancouver...
  7. Coordinates services for adults with developmental disabilities, adults with significant limitations in adaptive functioning and a diagnosis of either fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)/autism spectrum disorder (AS...
  8. Residential care facility for individuals with complex health care needs who require 24-hour care due to physical disability or mental or behavioural conditions such as dementia. Services include nursing and personal care, medication administration, meals, lau...
  9. 23-unit supported independent living residence provides secure and affordable housing, alongside community support services to individuals with a mental illness and those concurrently managing mental health and substance use disorder. Tenants are supported in ...
  10. Provides 105 single-room occupancy units in the Downtown Eastside for people who are struggling with issues such as addiction or mental health that put them at risk of homelessness. 35 units are for residents in the Tamura House Tenancy Program which offers st...
  11. Coordinates services for adults with developmental disabilities, adults with significant limitations in adaptive functioning and a diagnosis of either fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)/autism spectrum disorder (AS...
  12. Provides eight beds for women (including transgender women) from the Downtown Eastside who are living with chronic, life-limiting health issues, including those who may be nearing end of life. Services include advocacy, emotional support, end-of-life doula, he...
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