Results for: vancouver
  • People with Disabilities
  • vancouver

  1. A multi-level residential care facility for Chinese-speaking residents with complex health care needs who require 24-hour care. 21 beds are designated for special care for cognitively impaired residents requiring special environmental adaptation. Services incl...
  2. Provides eight beds for women (including transgender women) from the Downtown Eastside who are living with chronic, life-limiting health issues, including those who may be nearing end of life. Services include advocacy, emotional support, end-of-life doula, he...
  3. Develops and manages affordable housing in Vancouver and Richmond for adults with mental illness issues. Housing options provide various levels of support, recognizing that people require different levels of support during their recovery process. Short-term co...
  4. Provides semi-independent housing units for seniors, who require assistance with day-to-day activities such as medications, bathing, or life skills. Housing is intended for people who are able to make the range of decisions that allow them to live safely in a ...
  5. 1.72KM
    Provides stable and supportive housing in the Downtown Eastside to 66 residents aged 45 years and older who are able to live independently, with support and assistance to tenants managing day-to-day tasks and activities. Referrals for individuals age 45 or ol...
  6. Provides affordable supportive housing units for veterans and men age 55 and older who are at risk of homelessness, and/or have mental health or addiction issues. Apply through the BC Housing Supportive Housing registry at Orange Hall (297 East Hastings, Vanco...
  7. Provides services for tenants of housing directly managed by BC Housing, including accepting rental payments. Also accepts applications for a range of subsidized housing options for individuals who have low incomes, seniors, people with disabilities, Aborigina...
  8. Low-rent housing for people age 55 and over, and for people of any age with a physical disability. Some units are wheelchair accessible. Preference is given to people requiring housing because of demolition or low-standard housing and who have resided in Vanco...
  9. Provides specialized services for individuals with developmental disabilities, including residential group homes, home sharing, personal care, community involvement, assistance with activities of daily living, advocacy, and 24-hour monitoring. Funded by Commun...
  10. Coordinates services for adults with developmental disabilities, adults with significant limitations in adaptive functioning and a diagnosis of either fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)/autism spectrum disorder (AS...
  11. Residential care facility for adults ages 19 and up with complex health care needs who require 24-hour care. Services include nursing and personal care, medication administration, meals, laundry service, and social and recreational activities. Referral require...
  12. Provides assisted living for seniors age 55 and over in Vancouver who require assistance with day-to-day personal care such as medications, bathing, or life skills. Housing is intended for people who are able to make the range of decisions that allow them to l...
  13. Offers accommodations, amenities, and services for out-of-town patients undergoing cancer assessment or treatment in Vancouver; fee for service. Services include three meals a day, WiFi connectivity and access to a wig and breast prosthesis bank. Staff are on-...
  14. Provides low-cost supportive housing for people with a mental illness. Offers community homes, staffed block apartments, satellite suites, and a supported independent living program. Applications and referrals are through Mental Health Housing Services (604-67...
  15. Residential care facility for individuals with complex health care needs who require 24-hour care due to physical disability or mental or behavioural conditions such as dementia. Services include nursing and personal care, medication administration, meals, lau...
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