Results for: vancouver
  • Children and Youth with Special Needs
  • vancouver

  1. Provides early intervention programs and services to support families with deaf and hard-of-hearing children from birth to age five through American Sign Language (ASL), speech, education, and individual and group learning opportunities. Operates a preschool, ...
  2. Provides support to parents in Delta with children from birth to age 19 who have a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or complex developmental behavioural conditions. Initial support includes information about Delta services and accompaniment to meet...
  3. Provides specialized mental health services for individuals ages 12 and over who live with co-existing developmental disabilities and a mental illness; individuals may also struggle with behavioural challenges that are influenced by the mental illness and deve...
  4. Provides specialized mental health services for individuals ages 12 and over who live with co-existing developmental disabilities and a mental illness; individuals may also struggle with behavioural challenges that are influence by the mental illness and devel...
  5. Diabetes Camps (D-Camps)Provided by: Diabetes Canada - BC and Yukon - AKA: Canadian Diabetes Association - BC and Yukon
    Organizes summer camps designed to give children and youth living with type 1 diabetes the opportunity to experience camp. In BC, Camp Kakhamela takes place at Camp Elphinstone near Gibsons. Medical staff and trained volunteers interact with campers in a non-c...
  6. Provides interdisciplinary behavioural and mental health assessment and treatment services for children up to age five. Treats children with a wide range of behavioural issues as well as parenting concerns including crying, bonding, parent-child relationship c...
  7. Provides speech and language, occupational, and physical therapy services for children up to five years of age who need extra help due to premature birth, health problems, or developmental issues; services available at home, community sites, and SHARE offices....
  8. In partnership with SHARE Family and Community Services Society, works with children, their families, and service providers in New Westminster to help children from birth to five years of age participate in everyday activities; also helps families access thera...
  9. Offers individual counselling for blind or partially-sighted children and youth, as well as individual counselling and support groups for their parents. Also offers early intervention retreats for families with preschoolers. Provides information, resources, an...
  10. Operates fully accessible camps to children and youth ages six to 18 and adults ages 19 to 49 who have a physical or mental disability. Offers options for day camps and week-long overnight camps. Staff includes trained counsellors and onsite registered nurses....
  11. Provides online camps for children and youth ages six to 18 and adults ages 19 to 49 who have a physical or mental disability. Offers one-hour, weekly online classes and full day camps. Programming includes music, art, and dance, as well as social events. Onli...
  12. Offers educational workshops, recreational clubs, and community outings to blind and partially-sighted children and youth. Participants build skills and experience that support cognitive and motor development, communication, independent travel, social networki...
  13. Provides information and assistance with the transition from youth to adult services for individuals with disabilities and their families and caregivers. Also provides information and assistance to job seekers and employers through individual consultations, jo...
  14. Support group for parents, grandparents, or caregivers raising Indigenous children who have or may have Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Groups meet via zoom from 12 noon to 2 pm every first and third Friday of the month; see calendar for details.
  15. Offers licensed inclusive child care for children with varying needs and abilities from birth to age five. Hours are 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday. Features two wheelchair accessible playgrounds. Registration is required. Fees are charged. Funded in part...
  16. Facilitates networking between parents of signing deaf and hard-of-hearing children, and provides workshops, information bulletins, and a newsletter. Deaf Youth Today is a leadership training program as well as a summer recreational program; promotes independe...
  17. Offers parent and tot drop-ins from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays at Harbour View Elementary School, and Tuesdays and Thursdays at Old Orchard Hall.Old Orchard Community Centre: 646 Bentley Road, Port Moody
  18. Provides support to families with youth affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and other complex needs. Staff helps families to provide enhanced care through counselling, information, parenting strategies, service coordination, advocacy, and educat...
  19. Provides education programs in schools and other community settings to promote understanding, acceptance, and mutually rewarding friendships between children and youth ages three to 18 on the autism spectrum and their peers. Programs include autism demystifica...
  20. Provides children with autism, their peers, and their families with evidence-based, peer play intervention programs. Focuses on development of social, communication, emotional regulation, and peer play competencies of all children participating in the programs...
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